Plans for Individuals
Plans for Families
Useful Information
Star Health TPA Information
Synopsis: Super surplus is a Top-Up health insurance plan which covers medical expenses incurred by a person due to any illness, disease sickness or injury Highlight:
Benefit: Title
Room Rent Limit
Silver Plan:- Up to Rs 4000/day
ICU Daily Rent Limit
Silver Plan:- Up to Rs 4000/day
Pre-Hospitalization Expenses
For Silver :30 days, For Gold :60 days
Post Hospitalization Expenses
For SIlver: 60 days, For Gold :90 0days
Minimum Hospitalization Period
24 Hrs
Day Care Procedure Coverage
All day care procedures are covered.
Automatic Restoration of Sum Insured
Available Under Gold Plan
Pre-Existing Disease / Illness coverage
Silver Plan : After 36 months, Gold Plan :After 12 months
Waiting Period for New Policy
30 days
Medical Screening
No Pre-acceptance medical screening is required
Donor Expenses
Silver Plan:- Not Available,Gold Plan:- Covered Up to Sum Assured
Nursing Allowance
Ambulance Expenses
Silver Plan: No Ambulance Charges. Gold Plans - Ambulance Charges covered up to Rs.3000/- per policy period. In addition to this cover, Air ambulance up to 10% of the sum insured provided for sum insured options Rs.10 lacs and above