![]() Plans for Individuals
Plans for Families
Useful Information
National TPA Information
Synopsis: Super Top health Insurance plan designed to provide higher sum inusred with reasonable cost. Highlight:
Benefit: Title
Room Rent Limit
Up to Sum Insured
ICU Daily Rent Limit
Up to Sum Insured
Pre-Hospitalization Expenses
30 days
Post Hospitalization Expenses
60 days
Minimum Hospitalization Period
24 hours
Day Care Procedure Coverage
140 day care procedures
Pre-Existing Disease / Illness coverage
12 months – PED claim not payable, 13-24 months - 50% of PED claim, 25-36 months - 75% of PED claim, After 36 months - 100% of PED claim
Waiting Period for New Policy
12 months – PED claim not payable 13-24 months - 50% of PED claim 25-36 months - 75% of PED claim After 36 months - 100% of PED claim
Free Health Checkup
Every 2 claim free years, Up to Sum Insured Limit 10 Lakh, INR 2,000 per individual subject to INR 5,000 per family, Above Sum Insured Limit 10 Lakh, INR 4,000 per individual subject to INR 10,000 per family
Ambulance Expenses
Actual charges Covered
Non-Allopathic Treatments
Ayurveda and Homeopathy - up to sum assured
Daily Hospitalization Allowance
Up to Sum Insured 10 Lakh, INR 1,000 per day for 5 days per individual Above Sum Insured 10 Lakh, INR 2,000 per day for 5 days per individual
Donor Expenses
Medical expenses, Pre & Post Hospitalisation expenses up to Sum Insured
Attendant Allowance
Up to Sum Insured Limit 10 Lakh, INR 1,000 per day for 10 days per individual, Above Sum Insured Limit 10 Lakh, INR 2,000 per day for 10 days per individual
No Claim Bonus
CB at 5% of Sum Insured Limit for each claim free year, In case of claim, CB to be reduced at 5% per year.